[VIDEO] Cheesemakers Worry about Brie Mold Going Extinct

March 4, 2025

To produce fine French cheeses like brie and camembert, you need milk, time, and one especially important ingredient: mold. For decades, farmers around the world have produced cheese by cloning the mold Penicillium camemberti, but now some are worried that it could become extinct. Along with providing an in-depth look at how brie and camembert are made, this video examines the ways that some cheesemakers are responding to the uncertain future of their business.


  1. Why are brie and camembert makers worried about the future of the Penicillium camemberti mold?
  2. Do you think more cheesemakers should search for molds in the wild to make new cheeses? What are some advantages and disadvantages of this approach?