January 28, 2025

TikTok turned its service back on for U.S. users after a 12-hour shutdown earlier this month, but the popular video-sharing platform is still blocked from American app stores while it faces legal uncertainty. That means people can’t download or restore the app if it gets deleted. As a result, unlocked cell phones that come preloaded with the popular social media video-sharing app have become a hot commodity on resale sites like Ebay and Facebook Marketplace. In many cases, sellers are Continue reading

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January 7, 2025

Have you ever gotten the feeling that Siri, the voice-activated digital assistant on Apple devices, was eavesdropping on your private conversations? Have you noticed online ads for a particular brand after talking about it out loud? If you said yes, you’re not alone. A 2019 class-action lawsuit representing tens of millions of people accused Apple of violating user privacy by making unauthorized recordings through Siri and sharing them with advertisers. For example, two of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit said Continue reading

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January 25, 2022

While iPhones and various Android smartphones dominate the current mobile market, in the early days of these devices no brand was bigger than BlackBerry. This video looks at the history of this once ubiquitous gadget that captured early market share but failed to keep pace with its high tech competitors. 


  1. What features made BlackBerry so appealing to businesspeople when it first hit the market?
  2. How did BlackBerry’s resistance to change lead to the downfall of its mobile business?
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April 25, 2019

Last week, Samsung sent review copies of its new Galaxy Fold smartphone to the nation’s top tech publications in anticipation of its official release. Unlike standard smartphones, the Galaxy Fold can expand to a 7.3 inch display thanks to a hinge connected to a small exterior touchscreen. But according to critics, this unique folding feature led to all sorts of technical problems.

Some reviewers peeled off a “protective layer” placed over the Galaxy Fold’s screen that they mistook for a Continue reading

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March 26, 2019

On Monday, Apple CEO Tim Cook stepped onto a big stage at the company’s headquarters in Cupertino, California, to make some important announcements. Events like these are meant to remind Apple fans of the times when late founder Steve Jobs stepped on the same stage to reveal world-changing products like the iPhone and iPad. Unlike on those occasions, however, Cook didn’t unveil any new or updated gadgets at Monday’s event. Instead, celebrities like Steven Spielberg, Reese Witherspoon, and Oprah Winfrey Continue reading

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January 8, 2019

Apple started the new year on the wrong foot following a surprise announcement that last quarter’s iPhone sales will likely fall short of projections. While the company had originally planned to bring in between $89 billion and $93 billion, CEO Tim Cook said last week that overall revenue would likely tally at just $85 billion. “Lower than anticipated iPhone revenue, primarily in Greater China, accounts for all of our revenue shortfall,” Cook wrote in a letter to investors. As a Continue reading

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The average person spends 2 hours and 25 minutes per day on their smartphone. Put another way, that amounts to about 2,617 daily interactions with their device in the form of taps, clicks and swipes. What’s more, a significant amount of the time people spend on their smartphone occurs when they’re at work. While these statistics might surprise some, they come as no shock to Jason Brown, an advertising CEO who has declared war on using these distracting gadgets in Continue reading

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February 23, 2018

If you’ve ever thought that you check your smartphone too much, you’re certainly not alone. In fact, the 2.5 billion people around the globe who currently own smartphones likely share the same problem as you. That’s because tech companies design their products to be as attention-grabbing as possible. Along with detailing the ways that smartphones and apps can monopolize your focus, this video also demonstrates a few techniques to limit your phone use.


  1. Is it ethical for tech companies Continue reading
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January 11, 2018

If you’ve ever owned an iPhone, you may have noticed that the device tends to slow down as it gets older. At first glance this might seem like a natural occurrence. After all, any piece of technology inevitably grows to be obsolete, no matter how advanced it appeared when it was first introduced. But the way that iPhones drop in performance has frustrated customers since the iconic product launched in 2007. Then last month, a group of Internet investigators discovered Continue reading

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September 29, 2017

Last week Apple released the iPhone 8, the latest version of its iconic smartphone. The company’s flagship product has brought in billions upon billions of dollars over the years, prompting some to wonder why Apple doesn’t move iPhone production to the U.S. After all, it could definitely afford the increased labor costs that comes with doing business domestically. But as this video shows, looking after the bottom line is far from the only reason why Apple keeps its manufacturing operations Continue reading

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